North Rodney Blue Light is an affiliated branch of New Zealand Blue Light and is a registered charity and community youth organisation, located in Wellsford. The branch has been operational since 1992 running programmes and activities for youth in the local community free from drugs, alcohol and violence, at an affordable cost.
Blue Light aims to reduce youth crime, build community partnerships, build young people’s self-esteem, enhance community safety as well as build positive youth and Police partnerships. New Zealand Blue Light is a nationwide incorporated society which has a national executive committee and operates 70 branches nationwide. Each branch is responsible for sourcing their own funding to facilitate and provide their own youth community programmes.
Blue Light works in partnership with families, schools, other community groups, the Police and other government agencies such as NZ Defence Force and Child Youth and Family to deliver a range of programmes in education, adventure learning, healthy socialisation, youth development and youth crime reduction. We feel privileged to be supported by Police Officers, who carry out Blue Light activities over and above their normal police duties. Those involved with Blue Light are passionate about youth and especially in providing positive experiences for those who may otherwise not have an opportunity.
Although Blue Light is supported by Police, the two operate totally independently and Blue Light does not receive any funding from police.
Our Vision
“Empowering youth to make positive choices about themselves and their community”
Our Mission
Our programs are based on educating and developing outdoor skills, through camps and sporting events to develop confidence and life skills.
The aims of Blue Light are:
- To encourage better relations between young people and their parents, the Police and the Community.
- To prevent crime and anti-social behavior by exposing young people to different experiences and a healthy socialization process in a safe, supervised environment.
- To raise self-esteem amongst young people.
- To develop leadership skills in older youth through Life Skills Development Camp with the NZ Defence Force.
Our Values
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Resilience
- Resourcefulness
Strategic Plan 2023-2026
In early 2016 the North Rodney Blue Light Branch Management Committee attended three governance training sessions. As a result the committee is aware on their roles and responsibilities and those of others in the committee. Following the training, and over several sessions, the 2016-2019 strategic plan was formed to document our goals and our plans on achieving these goals to carry our organisation forward for the next three years. We have subsequently reviewed our Strategic Plan every three years.
Our latest Strategic Plan 2023-2026 is available here: click here to download